NEPAL - 7.9
On Richter Scale
Earthquake (EQ) is a
natural phenomenon that defies prediction. Instances of last moment
sensing, nevertheless, by the birds and animals have been noticed
time and again. It also goes without saying that EQ is facilitated
and bolstered further by the unjustified greed of human beings to
build unaesthetic dwelling units in the dangerous seismic Zones IV
and V. Delhi is a blatant example and one and all are oblivious to
Vulnerability Of The
Eastern Himalayas.
The Himalayas, a
relatively young and fragile mountain system have been always
susceptible to the catastrophe, such as, Avalanche, Landslides,
Cloud-bursts and EQs, if the available data of last two centuries is
to be assessed and reviewed. Of the two gigantic parts of the
Himalayas, the Eastern one is more risk-prone and thus continues to
cause perpetual tension. The region, apart from being one of the
Bio-diversity Hot Spots of the World, abounds in a large number of
gorgeous water bodies and snow-capped mountains having an average
height of more than 20,000 feet.
One can not say for
certain but the slow melting of Glacier systems and unchecked,
rather, commercial mountain climbing activity by non-serious
adventure lovers in the last two decades, also has added fat to the
fire ignited during the British Era. Should not such climbing be
banned both by the Indian and Nepalese Governments during the current
natural calamity? Budding and experienced climbers are supposed to
concentrate on 'peak' rather than on 'speak'.
Gradual Neglect of
Sustainable Livelihood
sustainable livelihoods of the mountain folk, together with endemic
flora and fauna are being also harmed consistently, threatened and
pushed aside, if not being lost altogether, also by massive
construction of hydel projects,all in the name of 'clean' power.
Economically weaker
sections are gradually shifting to the deceptive 'green' pastures
down the valleys, thus leaving behind their spouses, young
nutrition-deficient children and ageing parents. When a misery like
EQ, Landslide, Cloudbursts or flood occurs, they have to fend for
themselves in the absence of their earning members. The reported
inefficient administrative set-up and the name-sake health and
education backup,possibly caused by long political instability in
Nepal adds to the crisis.
Core vis-a-vis Periphery
Even if relief and
rescue(R&R) is taken up on a war footing,above hinted peripheries
are last to be noticed. The attention of the World is initially
focused on the Core, the capital of the country. This was exactly the
depressing scenario witnessed in Pokhara Dist. villages and a remote
village in Gorkha Dist, four days after the biggest tragedy in 81
years. The village in reference was at the epi- centre of 7.9 Richter
Scale EQ. According to one source, of the 150 single unit weak
houses, 140 of them were found reduced to rubble by the rescue team.
Needless to say, a sizeable number of lives and cattle were lost by
Given the grim state
of affairs,it may be worthwhile to take note of the following viable
--One has to avoid any
panic reaction upon hearing about a calamity.Any report
received/transmitted/broadcast/telecast/e-mailed/faxed etc. has to be
checked & verified prior to locating scene of occurrence,
--Communication,by and
large, in the local lingua franca may have to be established with the
affected lots,Punchayat and Administration at the cutting edge
without losing time and sight..Why sight,because last six to seven
major EQ's since 1988 in the region have happened in the late
afternoon or at dusk(Sikkim had the misfortune of an Earthquake
Anniversary as well,the difference being only 3 minutes between the
gloomy dates of 18th Sept.2011 and 18th Sept
--When you rush
Helicopters/Aircrafts from bigger places,either they cannot land
immediately for want of clear signals or due to visibility
constraints. On landing too,they are kept immobile during the first
night. In the process,the Golden Hour is invariably lost.
--Personnel with prior
Hill/Mountain experience should form the bulk of the Rescue teams.
The teams should settle down swiftly and not appear to be adding to
the crisis,The 'Routing through' process may have to be settled well
in advance,by ignoring and setting aside 'Ego' factor.
--Day After is the most
decisive day both from the point of view of planning & saving
trapped lives but also for locating the injured,re-opening the
clogged footpaths& roads,setting up cold & rain resistant
tents, arranging make-shift toilets with 24x7 water
back-up,restrengthening the health centres,reassuring the doctors &
the para-medics etc.
--Enlisting the support
of Social welfare trusts and organisations for organising drinking
water,Generators and bare minimum food & medicine would be in the
fitness of things,Good co-ordination with the local Bureaucracy with
a clear channel of communication and regular sharing and
dissemination of information is the corner-stone of an effective R&R
Mechanism.Uncalled for statements through media send wrong
signals,apart from wasting prime time.
--Proper storage as also
onward supply of needed food packets,drinking water bottles,warm
cloths,essential medicines,dis-infectants etc. has to be ensured on a
war footing. Additional relief material from abroad will have to be
sent for quick distribution on a day today basis,especially to the
remote and far-flung villages(not connected by road).The Street
tensions and bouts of snatchings thus can be minimised.
--A Core Group
comprising of senior civil and police personnel, experienced
Institutes,independent experts,relief workers with the knowledge of
affected terrain,doctors,para-medics etc may have to be constituted
at the earliest.Same may meet,review,confabulate and draw up strategy
on an alternate day basis.
--Rumour-mongering of any
sort through any medium has to be checked,rebutted and suppressed on
the Day After as also the following day. Diversion of attention on
this count may prove inhuman.
--Jams at the
airports,helipads,railway stations,bus-stands and markets will have
to be cleared in a regular way, TIA, Kathmandu was unnecessarily
burdened by a bee-line of affected people who could have also taken
the land route to Uttarakhand, UP and Bihar from day three. Cribbing
never goes, whether victims are air or land lifted. Apart from
facilitating rescue,it would prevent and check spread of many water
and air born diseases.
– Immediate Counseling
Sessions be organised for those(mainly women & children) who have
survived and have the courage and strength to live in temporary
dwelling units even in view of further suspected tremors.
--Rains will continue to
take place, occasionally with hail storms, at the current phase of
Monsoon. Rescuers, therefore, may have to get used to the prevailing
circumstances. Life has to resume in full gear,gradually.
- Forces and funds will continue to flow in from the developed countries for the time being but what is important and significant in the ultimate analysis is the LOCAL CAPACITY BUILDING WITH AN ELEMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY.
- Whatever has been seen thus far,is THE TIP OF ICEBURG. The devastation of much more magnitude is bound to surface in the following week or fortnight when number of dead would exceed even 15,000.One has to prepare,therefore,with more care and precaution for the challenges emanating from the fresh discovery of dead bodies as also the epidemic that normally follows in such trying conditions.
All said and
done,thanks to a very timely initiative by the advance thinking
Prime.Minister. of India ,many precious lives of not only the
Nepalese and Indians but also of 170 Nationals of 15 countries were
saved at the nick of time. Same is close on the heels of similar dare
devil rescue of the Nationals of 45 countries from Yemen by the MEA
and IAF, barely a fortnight ago.
India is not only
re-iterating its long standing and trusted human commitment,it has
been also in a position to effectively display its robust Disaster
Management acumen to the whole world in the backdrop of the
multiplicity of tremors in Nepal resulting into the death of 6000
lives,11,000 injured and loss of over 20,000 houses, so far.
Perhaps we may have
reasons to negate the famous statement of noted Economist Malthus. He
had stated "When Man fails, Nature TAKES over".In the
changing scenario, should not we say"The nature may have a
propensity to take over but man, upon learning bitter lessons,does
shift the focus from the Centuries-old Relief Method to a better
equipped,trained and experienced Mitigation Regime.?"
Lives are still being
lost but in lesser numbers and people being shifted in time far
outnumbers the people earlier dying during what is called the crucial
Golden Hour.
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