We get only one life. We should, therefore, endeavour and lead a life free from all the worries, stress and tensions. Tensions, per se, are part & parcel of the life system. How we manage, contain, control and regulate them is the issue we should be flagging in the very beginning.
2.Generally it is seen, felt and observed beyond an iota of doubt that we tend to succumb to the pressures of day to day life, rather easily. We not only believe but often surmise that the individual sitting on the other side of the fence does not only look cheerful but has all the profound energy and possibly, umpteen joys of life.
3. Right at the outset, we must drive home the point that the APPEARANCES CAN BE DECEPTIVE. Every person has some worry, some stress or the other at some point of time. An extrovert may perhaps make it obvious, or for that matter, public. An introvert, on the other hand, tends to hide, suppress or even ignore his difficulties in front of others while facing the imminent and inevitable realities of life.
4. Life is a REMARKABLE AND precious gift of nature. Its each and every minute aspect may have to be learnt, understood and analysed carefully before feeling, experiencing and enjoying them.
5. Life is never a bed of roses. That does not mean that it is only or completely full of thorns. Difficulties have to be faced boldly, disputes should be resolved amicably and hurdles, if any, need to be lessened or removed without hurting anybody. Perhaps, all anger is foolish. Same has to be controlled. There cannot be a way out. Does it not impel us to think- EASIER SAID THAN DONE?. Let us make an attempt. We may fail initially. But are’ nt the failures stepping stones to success? Shall we not make honest confessions every now and then without a trace of hypocricy? I suppose we should, if we have to feel fresh and energetic.
6. HOW DO WE DO IT? There is no substitute, probably for sincerity and honesty while putting in hard, careful work with adequate application of mind.
Let us not forget that majority of the dishonest persons are fairly competent. In general, the crooks, the shrewd and the “fast” operators not only have the last laugh but in the ultimate analysis, they appear kicking, surviving as also thriving. An insignificant minority of careful, obedient and diligent individuals do not appear triumphant in the short run. One should not feel dejected or disheartened. There is something called RAY OF HOPE. If we have adequate patience, perseverance and tolerance (PPT), we are bound to see light at the end of what may otherwise appear, dark, difficult and dingy tunnel.
7. HOW DO WE BUST OUR STRESS? It is a time tested belief and not a myth that physical exercise not only activates our different organs of body but it also has a smoothening effect over the ruffled feathers. While ensuring target-oriented action, therefore, sufficient exercise, rest and relaxation should be necessary. The oft-repeated advice- “Take a break, go to the hills or seaside”, after all is given based on some happening, some experience. Why not visit the SMALL AND BEAUTIFUL state of Sikkim, nestled exotically in the lap of the Eastern Himalayas or neat, clean and quiet seacoasts of the unassuming land of Orissa?
8. While caring for oneself, a more than considerate attitude towards the fellow beings is also called for. A variety of thought processes, “guidelines” and “quick fix” solutions to regulate the life are available on a platter, or for that matter by clicking or pressing the pet animal of the Lord Ganesh. It is observed that one takes up physical exercises more out of compulsion than out of choice or design. At this juncture, the saying “BETTER LATE THAN NEVER” may, perhaps, sound appropriate. While selecting or adopting an exercise regime, a stressed or distressed person should not get trapped by certain self appointed or proclaimed, yet, greedy masters and teachers. Even though some lessons can be accessed through the flyers, leaflets, books, audio or video tapes, the idiot box (often giving intelligent advice) or the internet, individuals are lured beyond comprehension to join some “Face to face sessions”, which may lead to a good deal of expenditure. Don’t we falsely believe “Money, money, money ,Brighter than sunshine and sweeter than honey?” That leads us to think that in the name of social service, fair amount of dis-service is taking place.
9. Need of the hour, therefore, is to correctly understand the essence of our Shashtras and Puranas. The time tested Yogasana techniques ,one of the six systems of the Vedic philosophy, propounded by the famous Maharishi Patanjali should be followed in letter and the spirit. The meditative postures, such as, Padmasana and Vajrasana, the relaxing postures, namely, Shavasana, Makrasana, Balasana, Pavan Muktasana, Naukasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Vakrasana, Ardha-matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana, Ushtrasana, Paschimottanasana, Yogmudra, Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Trikonasana, Pranayama and the ultimate, the Surya Namaskara (altogether 22 postures) will not only lead to gradual reduction of intake of allopathic medicines but also an individual should be in a position to display a PLEASING FACE, COOL TEMPERAMENT, STRONG DETERMINATION, PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE. Apart from doing Yoga daily, the intake of balanced, preferably, boiled, vegetarian food at a fixed time has to be the ORDER OF THE DAY. Needless to say, oily, rich, spicy and fried food items should be immediately out of our daily menu. With adequate control and timely intake, a person may be capable of reaching a “TAKE OFF STAGE” but for attaining or achieving “SELF ACTUALISATION”, not only wishes and desires have to be contained and curtailed but I and you have to learn to become a sort of contended human being, if not a Sanyasi. Once we are convinced that we were born alone without any accompaniment and that while departing from the universe, no material possession including the beloved cell phone or the charming car will give us company, I suppose, disenchantment with the temporary pleasure situations, goods and “services” can begin. All said and done, in place of earning more, acquiring more, craving for NANO even while possessing a MARUTI and INDICA and speaking ill of others, we should attempt to believe in our own INNER SELF, OUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES AND THEIR POSSIBLE OR PROBABLE RAMIFICATIONS.
10. Let us attempt TO FORGET THE PAST AND HAVE AN OPTIMISTIC BUT ACHIEVABLE VISION FOR THE FUTURE. Let us reclaim and relish the joy of waking up early every morning like the innocent and harmless birds and animals and perform the prescribed yogic exercises. The Yoga done with care, devotion and caution must end with a bout of meditation including the breathing exercises. THEN ONLY OUR LIFE WILL BE ACTUALLY BEAUTIFUL AND FULL OF ENERGY AND EXHILERATION. BY DOING SO, LET US HELP EACH OTHER IN OVERCOMING, IF NOT ERADICATING THE SORROWS OF LIFE.
11. To sum up, with your kind permission, could I turn autobiographical? I had ninety percent blockage in one portion of my heart nearly an year ago. I was prescribed open heart surgery (OHS) by the “owner” of a by-pass “factory” of the country’s capital. I took some time off. Resorted to consulting relatives and friends including a handful of reliable cardiologists. Consequently, I sensed something, listened to my inner voice and attempted to say poetically-
“Sikkim is small but beautiful,
xxxxxxx is tall but dreadful
One comes here struggling
With a lot of expectations.
Gradually they take the
Shape of frustrations
Somewhat healthy patients
Are compelled to think
As if they are condemned prisoners
‘Gallows’ are prepared
With care and caution
Soon ‘liberation’ is ensured
Not from the disease
BUT definitely from the world”
12.Having said so, I resumed morning and evening walks with a renewed vigour.I padded the same with the Coronary Yoga classes at the RML hospital .Followed it up with regulated diet ,medicine and work based on the prescription of a senior Cardiologist of the AIIMS.I experienced a deficiency of one of the vital Vitamins in between .For a while, lost my appetite considerably. Also went through the symptoms of disturbed sleep. But neither did I surrender ,nor I gave up. Regular practice of Yoga coupled with a determined resolve to change the lifestyle helped me in the ultimate analysis……………………when the chips were supposedly down. I not only resumed kicking, thinking ,interacting and writing but now I also attempt to disseminate my frugal knowledge of Yoga to the understanding and optimistic lots in my own ways .I have also learnt to gradually forget my disease.
sarvey Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarvey Shantu Niramaya
Sarvey Bhadrani Pasyantu
Maa Kaschit Dukh Bhaga Bhavet
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,………
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