Health is wealth. Reverse is not true. A healthy body may always have a healthy mind. There is a need to inculcate that. Whether mind is pure or has certain impurities, constrains or deviations, mostly, we are misled to think that “I am not only correct but also possess qualities or virtues to find solutions to all the maladies”. While posing so, perhaps we refrain from presenting ourselves correctly in everyday life. Most of us do not practice or follow what we otherwise expect fellow beings to do. As a result, a certain degree of mistrust develops. It leads to a cleavage between the expectation and the performance. A state of anxiety crops up, paving the way for disturbance of mind even in a healthy looking body. I do not mean to say that the individuals having a certain say, influence or stature in the society are devoid of the anxiety syndrome. Perhaps , what separates them from the others is the ability to take things without a preconceived notion ,assess and analyse a situation, event or challenge in an impartial manner and offer a solution or find a solution with a value free mind. Those who take a cue from such an approach lead a fairly peaceful and contented life rather than being susceptible to the tempting offers for leading a so-called good life and in the process, falling prey to the clever, yet latent cobwebs, woven meticulously and religiously by the shrewd minds.
2. At the very outset, it needs to be correctly comprehended that the life, if not a bed of roses, is also not a plethora of problems , challenges and impediments. While approaching a face to face situation, we falsely and foolishly tend to take the support of ‘friends’ and well-wishers for granted .We often forget that both mind and body belong to me and that only I and I have to look after it and be prepared to face the vicissitudes of the mystical life cycle. The occasional succour or support from the parents, off-springs, life partner, boyfriend, girlfriend or the so-called sympathisers should be and has to be considered a temporary phenomenon with no permanent intent. It may help in taking a break or in sustaining the same in the short run but expecting it to outdo or outshine a ‘break fail’ eventuality will be a piece of disastrous thinking with monstrous ramifications.
3. While thinking or deliberating about peace for collectivity, the state of peace at the individual level should be incumbent. Same is probable or possible if an individual is in a position to perform his daily chores in an honest and positive way with least or no desire or expectation from his act. We should keep on performing assigned or assumed tasks without bothering for results or rewards. It is only when we are ready to give that somebody will be forthcoming to offer. Our forefathers, after all, have been emphasising –‘The more you sacrifice, the more you get.’
4. A selfless life with preponderance of the divinely feelings is not only expected to be free from expectations but same may also be relatively free from any anxiety or stress. A state of contentment will ensure a peace of mind. Such a state on the part of the majority may lead to or will lead to peace among groups associations, federations, confederations, districts, provinces, countries and so on and so forth. In other words, the organic unity triggered by a clear and positive vision by ensuring a balance of various individual ‘functions’ will be a prerequisite for the peace and stability of the ‘structure’ of the society as a whole. We should keep trying and performing without being adversely affected by the latent and manifest onslaughts of the deviant, misguided and at times, the lunatic elements, who slowly, gradually and definitely harm the feeling and foundation of the collectivity and ultimately, the edifice of peace and prosperity like the invisible, yet, deadly termites.
5. Each individual effort is important. It has the necessary potential and power to forge unity in a situation of apparent demoralization and division. Memories of the past and the ill feelings of jealousy and hatred have to be replaced or substituted by taking recourse to adequate rest, relaxation, a sabbatical(if affordable)and a positive dose of thinking. It is only when we control our wishes and aspirations that the control over the wavering mind will be possible. Needless to say, such a situation or probability has the potential to be a prerequisite or the precondition for an all pervading world peace. The gap between the pretence and possibility needs actual human bridge, not a non-descript piece of unfounded hypocritical thinking. Simple living and high thinking adequately charged and fuelled by the yogic postures, exercises and a bout of serious meditation is certain to alleviate and ensure a wholesome peace as opposed to the peace attained in a piecemeal manner.
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